Tuesday 18 August 2015

Senior citizens of the New Millennium 2000

Seniors enjoying a holiday together in Central Asia

Senior citizens, welcome to this age

Of peace and calm as you take backstage

Sit back and relax, and look around you

What exciting things are there to interest you?

Firstly, have you made a will?

It is simple if you have the skill

This will make your loved ones happy

Without any dispute or envy

Buy a reliable insurance policy

That covers also medical facilities

Invest your money carefully and wisely

In fixed deposits, mutual funds, stocks and property

Take up a course and get a degree

Because you are never too old to study

Language, law, music or computer studies

Choose one that you enjoy and is stress-free

Go for a part-time job if you like working

Baby-sitting, consultancy, sales or teaching

Keep those brain cells alert and active

And the muscles toned and effective.

Contribute your knowledge and experience

To welfare and non-government organizations

Serve on committees in health and education

And help us conserve our environment

Travel to foreign countries far and near

Taste different exotic dishes without fear

Marvel at the world’s great wonders

Appreciate people and their diverse cultures

Seniors tasting exotic food in Guizhou, China

Engage in a new and absorbing hobby,

Much easier than looking after a baby!

Try surfing the net, gardening, cooking or singing,

Collecting antiques, fishing, pottery or painting

Develop a regular exercise routine:

Swimming, dancing, tennis, golf or gym

When the spirit is willing and the flesh is weak

Chi gong, tai chi or yoga you should seek

Seniors exercising together

Eat moderately and maintain your health

Spend wisely to sustain your wealth

Volunteer selflessly to the needy

And donate generously to charity

Lastly, keep in touch with friends and relatives

Participate in various social activities

Count your blessings and keep your sense of humour

Face each day with enthusiasm and vigour.

Seniors participate in social activities - celebrate Christmas together

This blog is started to post articles/poems/photos that interest seniors.

In Malaysia, we are called seniors when we reach age 55.
Articles that I have contributed to the Star (Malaysian newspaper)
under Senior Page, will be shared here.

This first post, a poem, was published in the Star on 8th November 1999.
It is dedicated to all Seniors of the New Millennium 2000.
As seniors, we face many challenges. Let's face each day with enthusiasm and vigour.


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